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The Mayan Calendar Lessons

Dear Friends,

On Thursday evening the Mindshifters Group watched the last hour of the lecture by Ian Xel Lungold on the Mayan Calendar system and the idea of Consciousness, and awareness.  Ian makes the point in his three  hour lecture that whatever a person chooses to focus on is what that person becomes conscious of.  We have the infinite capacity to choose the focus of our conscious awareness, and that is how we create our experience of life.

Ian demonstrates how our culture has become completely focused only on the physical world and therefore we are only aware of the physical world.  Our consciousness has become focused only on the intersection of time and place – the physical world.  In the Mayan culture they had at least two other reference points to help establish their conscious awareness and determine what they want to do with their lives.  These other two reference points were, one of the twenty aspects of Divine Plan, and one of the thirteen aspects of Personal Intention.

Each day when people awoke in the Mayan culture, they had calendar which would let them  know the day of the year in terms of the earth moving around the sun, and they also had two other calendars which let them know the energy of the Divine Plan for that day, and the energy of their Personal Intention for that day.   This helped orient their consciousness to help them know what their life purpose was, each and every day.

There really are no words for the difference between living your life “On Purpose”, and just existing from day to day, or living simply focused on what one can gain in the physical world.  I strongly encourage anyone who is willing to create their own “Life Purpose” and use that Purpose to guide their actions day to day.

Thanks again to all those who support this work.  I look forward to this coming week when I will once again be hosting two Mindshifter Groups – One on Tuesday evening in Woodstock, IL and one on Thursday evening in Crystal Lake, at my office.  Both groups run from 6:30 – 9:00 pm.

We Come From Love, We Are Made Of Love, We Are Love!  Everything else is false.

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