Susan Coe. Ph.D.

Susan J. Coe, Ph.D., LCSW has over forty years of clinical experience working in a variety of mental health settings, both outpatient and inpatient venues. She has been successful with all ages of clients – from the very young child through teens, adults, and senior citizens.
Dr. Coe earned her Ph.D. in social work from the University of Illinois at Chicago and has a Masters degree in social work from Boston University. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Sue Coe’s focus with young children includes such issues as ADHD and post-trauma crises, including situations like abuse or death of a loved one. To help the child reach his/her maximum level of functioning, she works extensively with families, schools, physicians, and other professionals. Her work with children supports their efforts to identify and cope with feelings, to understand the underlying issues and to problem-solve.
In addition to her work with children, Dr. Coe sees a variety of clients who are struggling with such issues as life crises, grief, anxiety, depression, and marital conflict. She works with individuals, groups, or families to best address the issues as presented by the clients.
Beyond the basic graduate education in the holistic practice of social work, Dr. Coe has expanded her practice expertise with extensive post-graduate training. Some of this training involves a variety of techniques that address symptom-focused therapy. This has included:
Cognitive Behavioral
Play Therapy
Coherence Therpy (Formerly Depth Oriented Brief Therapy)
EMDR (Trauma Reduction Technique)
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT - Tapping)
Bio-Acoustical-Utilization Device - (BAUD)
Dr. Coe has taught extensively in graduate and undergraduate schools of social work in Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Massachusetts. Student education allows her to remain current in the latest clinical research which impact clinical practice. Many of the teaching tools are readily translated into tools for helping clients cope with their issues.
Whether teaching, consulting, supervising, or in direct practice, Susan Coe, Ph.D., LCSW seeks to share the lessons of effective practice which have been gathered over thirty years of working with people. Her overriding goal has always been to encourage each individual to grow and become a positive, productive person with a solid sense of emotional health and well-being.