On Sunday January 17, 2016 I was privileged to give the talk, during the service, at the Unity Spiritual Center Woodstock. I was asked to address the congregation because their minister, Rev. Tom Wendt had retired and his last talk was the previous week. They wanted me to address issues of grief, loss, and transition in relationships. I discussed this in the talk during the service and ended with a brief meditation on release. The audio of that talk is now available on my website through this link – http://ch4cs.com/audio.asp?ID=213
Then following the service, I gave a two hour workshop on one of the most powerful and useful tools I have learned in all my years of living life, and doing therapy. This tool did not come from a book, or someone’s theory about how things work, but rather from life experience and loving relationships. I talked about a tool for being able to Say Goodbye to Good People, Without Saying Goodbye to Good Memories. This tool has been helpful in my life, anytime there has been a transition, or someone moves away, or dies, or simply decides they don’t want to be in relationship with me.
I have given this workshop many times over the years, but this time I was finally able to get a decent recording. The audio files are available on my website through these links – http://ch4cs.com/audio.asp?ID=214 http://ch4cs.com/audio.asp?ID=216
The handout for the workshop is available here – http://ch4cs.com/upload/saying_goodbye_to_good_people_-_handout.pdf
As usual, I welcome comments and questions, and hope you will share this information with anyone you think can benefit from this tool.
We Come From Love, We Are Made of Love, We Are Love! Everything else is false.