Dear Friends,
Tomorrow night the Thursday Mindshifters Group in Crystal Lake will be watching the lecture by Dr. Michael Ryce titled: Purpose, Personal Power, and Commitment. We will then begin working on the process of constructing, and “fine tuning” our individual Secondary Purpose statements as described in the lecture. This work fits beautifully with the “Mayan Calendar and Consciousness” lecture we have watched for the last three weeks. The main point of the lecture by Ian Xel Lungold was that we have the ability to tune into things, energies, forces, purposes, other than just what our physical eyes and ears reveal to us.
In Ian’s lecture he described how the Mayan culture used calendars which tracked thirteen different aspects of Personal Intent, and twenty different aspects of energy from Divine Plan. This helped each person be clear each day, about why they chose to be born, and how their personal intent could work with, and be amplified by, the energy of Divine Plan for that day. In a similar way, when one creates their individual Secondary Purpose and uses it to help focus the use of their time, intelligence, money, and energy, it results in an amplification of their personal power and effectiveness in life.
Join us tomorrow for this wonderful lecture and worksheet process. The Thursday Mindshifter Group is held from 6:30 – 9:00 pm at 800 McHenry Ave. Suite B. Crystal Lake, IL. Please RSVP to – as seating in limited. Cost is $25 per person.
We Come From Love, We Are Made Of Love, We Are Love! Everything else is false.