Dear Friends,
I have been asked by numerous people recently to suggest the blog posts and internet shows which would be the best introduction to the work we do in Mindshifters Groups. There are many older posts that reach back for years in this blog, and many good topics which were sparked by the weekly Mindshifters Group meetings. However, there are also three different internet radio show audio files which, taken together, form a good primer for someone who is just getting introduced to this work.
I will list them here in the order I feel would be best to introduce someone to this work. Please feel free to comment or ask questions by emailing me directly.
The first was on internet show from December 30th, 2015, in which no one called in, so I ended up filling the show with an introduction and overview of the work. Many have said, it is one of the most comprehensive overviews that has ever flowed out on the internet show.
The next is an internet show which occurred on June 30, 2016, featuring a woman who called in with a dilemma and then ended up working through an entire Forgiveness worksheet process right there in the show.
The next was an internet show from October 14, 2015 in which the focus on our work being “an inside job”, and some discussion about the idea of roles models and putting people up on a pedestal is explored.
Thanks for your interest in this work and for sharing this with anyone you think may benefit.
We Come From Love. We Are Made Of Love. We Are Love! Everything else is False.