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  • Writer's picturethayes63

Hello Again!

Dear Friends,

I have been blessedly busy with multiple projects, the Mindshifters Group, and my practice and I have not taken time to write a post since December.

One of the projects was converting my old blog to the WordPress software and getting it hosted on my website so that I have more control over what happens with it and where people can link to from my blog, etc.

I hope this new software is easy enough to use and that my new method for delivering blog posts to your email is successful. I will be using Aweber and they will send out emails of my blog posts to everyone who signs up using the new sign-up page I created.

Please let me know if you have any problems with receiving or reading the blog posts that I email to you with that new system.

One of the projects I have been working on is writing a new book titled: The Seven Power Keys: How To Build Ultimate Success In Your Personal and Professional Life.

The subtitle may change a little but the basic book outline is based on the seven observations I have shared with patients in therapy for many years now, as the most important places for me to look when I get stuck.

Because I find it very useful for my writing and editing process, I have made audio recordings of the rough, rough drafts of the chapters as they are being written. So, as a sneak peek for those of you on this blog, I am including a link to my website on the page with the audio files where I keep audio files of some of my public presentations.

You will need to scroll down past the first Audio Clips section to the one labeled Seven Power Keys Audio if you are interested in listening to the progress on the book –

Please remember these are just rough drafts and that I am working with a book coach and there will also be an editor, so that rough edges will definitely be worked out before the book makes it to final publishing.

I hope  you enjoy the group, the blog, the audio files or whatever else you try out at my website, and thank you for being here.

We Come  From Love,  We Are Made of Love, We Are Love! Everything Else Is  False.

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