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Gregg Braden’s Idea of the Biggest Dogma

Writer's picture: thayes63thayes63

A few weeks ago the Mindshifters group watched the Mayan Calendar lecture by Ian Lungold in which Ian stated that the biggest unquestioned belief on this planet is the answer to the question,”What Day Is It?”.   In Gregg Braden’s book, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Mr. Braden proposes that there is another, even more insidious, unquestioned belief which may be the root cause of most human suffering.  That belief would be the answer to the question I will paraphrase as, “Is there such a thing as Good versus Evil, outside of the human mind?”

Gregg Braden provides reports on research and scientific theory which supports the idea that human mind energy, the power of our thoughts and beliefs,  may be the greatest force on the planet.  The power of the human mind to create realities for each  of us and to effect our physical bodies and our environment, is being understood more completely than ever before, in recent history.  So if it is true that human thought can effect the energy which makes up our bodies and  our world, and that we create the reality we experience, then it would be critically important to understand how that process works.  

One of the Bottom Line Observations I wrote about in an earlier post is, “The events that happen to me and around me in my life, are not nearly as important as how I interpret and respond to those events.”  So if I create my own internal reality and chose to believe that there are good and evil forces in the world battling for control and supremacy, then I will be convinced that I live in a “war zone”.  If I am convinced that I live in a “war zone” I will be constantly on guard and in a state of tension which will negatively effect my physical health and emotions.  If I buy into the idea that there are evil spirits, or a “devil” battling a “god” for possession of my soul, I am creating a reality of ultra high stakes danger and fear within which I then live.

What if everything in the world  I experience comes from the same source and is connected by energies I can’t yet see or understand?  What if there is no good or evil except as human interpretation makes it so?  What if everything that happens on the physical plane is just exchange of energy at different levels?  What if my job is to learn how to monitor, and how to raise the vibration of my energy to the level it originally came from?  What if my only real job in this world is to learn to stay in the higher vibrational energy that some have called God, and some have called Love.  What if I am creating all the stress, anger, and pain in my life by wanting things to be different than they are?

More and more sources are coming to light which point to the ancient knowledge that the world is all connected and from one source, and that the energy we “see”, and “feel”, and “hear” is the tiniest fraction of what truly exists.  

What if I am creating all the stress, anger, and pain in my life by wanting things to be different than they are?

What if my only real job in this world is to learn to stay in the higher vibrational energy that some have called God, and some have called Love. 

We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love.  Everything else is false.

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