Dear Friends,
The Mindshifter Internet Radio Show on Blog Talk Radio has been running – five days a week – for over four years now. This show teaches and supports people in learning and applying the ancient Aramaic tool of Forgiveness to their lives, as a very practical way to improve the function, and quality of their lives. Beginning last Wednesday and culminating yesterday, there were a series of interactions on the show, which demonstrate the power of these tools – (at a level I have rarely witnessed in my forty years of doing therapy) – in the form of unsolicited testimonial, and then live processing on the show.
I have edited the content of three of those shows to distill the relevant portions, into an audio file which can be listened to, or downloaded here – This file contains a segment of last Wednesday’s show in which a man by the name of Terry called the show to give a testimonial about how the work has transformed his life over the last several years. Then, one week later – two days ago, Terry called the show to ask for support because he was feeling overwhelmed with anger, sadness, and fear. That segment contains actual use of the tools and emotional processing work that Terry did supported by Dr. Michael Ryce, live on the air. The audio then closes with a segment of yesterday’s show in which Terry called to thank Dr. Ryce and give an update on his progress.
The audio file is about 53 minutes in length. It contains what I consider to be some of the most concise, and powerful work that has been shared on the Internet show since the show began over four years ago. The tools which are referenced in this audio are available for FREE download at Other archived sessions of Mindshifters Radio can be accessed at The show happens live five days a week from noon to 1:00 pm Central Time – Or you can call in to listen and share a question or a comment by calling 646-200- 4169
Please give yourself the gift of listening to this audio, and then USING THESE TOOLS! to improve the quality of your personal, and professional life.
While Terry thanks Dr. Ryce for his Loving support during the audio, it is important to realize that many people have been exposed to these tools without getting any results. Terry has achieved these results because he actually picked up these tools and applied them to his life – diligently and persistently! Congratulations to Terry and the host of others who have chosen to improve their lives with these and other tools. You are making a difference.
We Come From Love, We Are Made Of Love, We Are Love! Everything else is false.
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