The Tuesday Evening Mindshifter Group in Woodstock, IL last night was another delightful gathering of ten people who are dedicated to improving the quality of their lives by applying these practical tools! We watched the second half of the lecture, Why Is This Happening To Me Again, and then watched a twenty minute video by Robert Smith in which he discusses the nature of healing and mental stress. I chose to show this particular short talk because Robert Smith uses many of the same foundational principles taught by Dr. Michael Ryce. In fact, when Dr. Michael Ryce watched this same short talk, he commented that it sounded like an echo of himself. That lecture can be found on YouTube by searching for – “229 Spiritually Speaking Faster EFT”.
After these two video lectures we discussed the material and answered questions about the nature of the realities we create within ourselves, and the power of canceling goals, and releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us. Then someone volunteered to do a Reality Management Worksheet on a negative feeling of “depression” or “malaise” which has been “happening to her” recently, even though she was not able to identify any negative thoughts related to those feelings. This was another wonderful opportunity to demonstrate that you can use a Reality Management Worksheet for any situation, event, thought, feeling, person, place or interaction, past, present, or future, living or dead. It may take a little work to choose what to put in each of the blank spaces on the worksheet – but it is always possible to do a Reality Management Worksheet whenever I do not like how I am thinking or feeling – either physically, or emotionally. At several points in the worksheet the person had to just write down that she was going “blank”, or “unconscious” and then move on to the next part of the process.
The worksheet was very productive for the person who chose to do it. When she canceled the goal she was holding for herself today, she got in touch with a serious emotional trauma which happened years ago. We then decided to follow the Reality Management Worksheet process with several rounds of tapping using the Faster EFT method – (which you can find on by searching for “Faster EFT”). As a result of using these two tools, this group member was able to release a lot of negative emotional energy, and negative conclusions about herself before she was done with the process.
Again, I offer my gratitude to those who participate in these groups and support themselves and others in learning to live more consistently from the knowledge of their true nature as Love.
We Come From Love, We Are Made Of Love, We Are Love! Everything else is false.