Dear Friends,
I am pleased to be able to share with you a link to a YouTube video which takes 24 minutes to explain the core of the Forgiveness process that comes from the ancient Aramaic language and the teachings of Dr. Michael Ryce.
This video and PowerPoint was prepared and posted by Bill Costantino. I wish to express my gratitude to Bill for the tremendous amount of work he put into this project, first from the level of learning and then teaching this material, and then for all the hours of work it took to produce this video.
Think about how many times you have heard discussions about forgiveness, and how many times you have been told to forgive. Then think about how many times you have actually been given a step by step, specific process for how to forgive. I have been doing therapy for over 40 years, and this is the clearest, most powerful, and effective process I have ever encountered for achieving Forgiveness, and improving the quality of my mental and emotional life and relationships. It is being offered for FREE!!!
Please enjoy this video and share it will anyone you know who could benefit from understanding the actual “how to” of the ancient Aramaic process of Forgiveness.
We Come From Love. We Are Made Of Love. We Are Love! Everything else is false.