Dear Friends,
I never would have guessed that in the same week that I had the high honor of interviewing Guy Finley, I would write a blog post recommending anything other than the podcast with Guy.
However, life is full of surprises! And I find myself recommending yesterday’s podcast.
There are times when Life just comes together in unexpected ways, and a synergy takes place that I would never predict, or even have an inkling that it was coming.
Such was the series of events that unfolded yesterday on the podcast, when caller Susan asked a question that served to trigger a “flow” of words and ideas that I was often unable to keep up with myself.
One theme of the talk was – Our Guidance System, our emotional feeling state in any moment.
I will leave the link here for those who may be interested.
As always, comments are welcome.
We Come From Love. We Are Made Of Love. We Are Love. Everything else is false.